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Sheen gains Twitter followers, loses kids

LOS ANGELES (AP) ― When Charlie Sheen threatened and maligned his bosses over “Two and a Half Men,” it was business and, to some people at least, bizarrely comic. When his estranged wife alleged that she and their twin toddlers were in peril from the TV star, the saga turned ugly.

Sheen’s 23-month-old sons were removed from his home Tuesday night after Brooke Mueller Sheen claimed that he threatened her with decapitation, adding a nasty custody battle to the actor’s bitter war with the studio and producers who shut down his hit CBS show.

Her claims followed days of sometimes manic, sometimes violence-tinged media interviews by Sheen, part of a public campaign to disprove that he is a drug-using, reckless playboy who was unable or unfit to work on this season’s final episodes of TV’s No. 1 comedy.

Sheen’s grandstanding has fascinated the public, with his Twitter account drawing close to 1 million followers a day after it was created. But Mueller Sheen said in a claim seeking a restraining order filed Tuesday that his “bizarre, disturbing and violent” comments made her fear for the safety of their children because Sheen “does not appear mentally stable.”

According to Mueller Sheen’s filing, Charlie Sheen has rarely seen the boys in the past year, but took them Saturday and refused to return them.

According to a sworn declaration filed in the case, she said her husband told her in a phone call Sunday night, “I will cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom!” She also claimed earlier threats and physical abuse.

A court order issued Tuesday and obtained by the Associated Press requires Sheen to stay 100 yards (meters) away from Mueller Sheen and their twin sons. Sheen has two other children with former wife Denise Richards.

The twins, Max and Bob, were taken from Sheen’s Hollywood Hills home that night and returned to their mother’s care. The boys turn 2 on March 14.
In this image from video released by, Charlie Sheen takes a bite from an apple while holding one of his 23-month-old twins before they were removed from his Hollywood Hills home late Tuesday. (AP-Yonhap News)
In this image from video released by, Charlie Sheen takes a bite from an apple while holding one of his 23-month-old twins before they were removed from his Hollywood Hills home late Tuesday. (AP-Yonhap News)

A Los Angeles Police Department statement that its officers had removed the boys was incorrect, police Officer Bruce Borihanh said Wednesday. The department was not involved and he did not know which agency might have been responsible, he said.

Mueller Sheen’s attorneys did not immediately respond Wednesday to a query about the event.

Text messages sent to Sheen Wednesday morning for comment were not immediately returned. A phone message left for Sheen’s divorce attorney, Mark Gross, was not immediately returned. A hearing on the order is scheduled for March 22.

Earlier, on NBC’s “Today” show, Sheen said he was “very calm and focused” about having the children taken away but was ready to fight to get them back.

Moments later, Sheen was asked by reporters outside his home whether the legal move came out of left field for him.

“It came out of the bleachers, actually,” he said. “Yeah, I was told a restraining order was being delivered and I thought, ‘OK, I can deal with that.’ And it was revealed that it was something much more serious.”

Asked why Mueller got the court order, he replied, “It’s just silly. I think she’s latching on to some of this recent press.”

In interviews filled with strange comments such as “I got tiger blood, man,” Sheen has lobbed vitriol at “Men” executive producer Chuck Lorre and Warner Bros. Television while sharing details about his unusual home life and insisting he was “winning.” He’s demanding a big raise from his $1.8 million-an-episode pay ― already among the highest in television.

In a house he calls “Sober Valley Lodge,” Sheen has been living with a former porn star and a model ― his “goddesses,” he says.

Sheen was asked on “Today” if marijuana magazine cover model Natalie Kenly and adult film star Rachel Oberlin, who performed as Bree Olson, helped care for the twins.


찰리 신 트위터팔로어 1일만에 100만명

계정 개설 25시간 17문 만에 달성..기네스북 인정 최단시간

    (로스앤젤레스=연합뉴스) 최재석 특파원 = 미국 할리우드에서 문란한 사생활로 여러 차례 물의를 일으킨 배우 찰리 신(45)이 최단 시간에 트위터 팔로어 100만명을 확보하는 기록을 세웠다.

    신이 지난 1일(이하 현지시간)부터 연 트위터 계정(@CharlieSheen)은 25시간 17 분 만에 팔로어가 100만명을 넘어 기네스북의 최단 시간 인정을 받았다고 미 언론이 3일 보도했다.

    그의 트위터 계정에는 이날 현재 팔로어가 130만명을 넘었다.

    이에 따라 신의 팔로어가 세계에서 가장 많은 트위터 팔로어(850만명)를 거느린 여성 팝가수 레이디 가가를 따라잡을 수 있을지가 벌써 관심을 끌고 있다.

    배우 신은 최근에도 여러 가지 일로 구설에 오르면서 대중의 관심을 끌었다.

    지난 2일 그는 방송에 출연해 경찰관이 지난밤 자신의 집에서 두 살 된  쌍둥이 를 강제로 데려갔다고 밝혔다.

    현지 언론은 신과 이혼절차를 밟는 쌍둥이 어머니가 법원에 신청해 이러한 강제 격리명령을 받아낸 것이라고 전했다.

    또 지난주에는 CBS와 워너브러더스가 신의 정신이나 건강 면에서 모두 문제가 많다고 판단해 그가 주연하는 인기 시트콤 `두 남자와 2분의 1' 제작을 전격 중단했다.