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HIV woman has sex with 100 men

An Indian woman who is HIV-positive says she has had sexual relations with more than 100 partners.

The 29-year-old patient who works as a maid claimed she has had more than 300 sexual encounters with 100 men over the past three years, reported the Times of India.

Dr. Gilada, doctor of the patient told the newspaper: “She admitted to frequent encounters with men ranging from her employers and their relatives, to the liftman and students -- all of whom have had unprotected sex with her.”

USC graduate student Kevin Haworth uses protective clothing and special air ventilation as he selects vials of HIV-1 for testing as he works toward a cure for HIV at a medical research lab on the USC Medical School campus in Los Angeles, California, July 13, 2010. (MCT)
USC graduate student Kevin Haworth uses protective clothing and special air ventilation as he selects vials of HIV-1 for testing as he works toward a cure for HIV at a medical research lab on the USC Medical School campus in Los Angeles, California, July 13, 2010. (MCT)

According to Dr. Gilada, the patient hunts for sexual partners to spread the virus she got from her husband.

“We found out that she had learnt of her husband’s HIV-positive status in 2005, and that he had transmitted the disease to her as well. Although she divorced him, she couldn’t come to terms with the fact that he had knowingly passed on the virus to her,” Dr. Gilada said.

The Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS) said they would investigate the matter and provide counseling if necessary.

By Moon Ye-bin (
Intern reporter

Edited by Hannah Stuart Leach

<관련 기사>

인도 에이즈 보균 가정부 100명과 무작위 성관계

(뉴델리=연합뉴스) HIV 바이러스가 전염된 인도의 한 가정부가 무작위로 100명 이상과 성관계를 한 사실이 보도돼 인도 사회를 긴장시키고 있다고

타임즈오브인디아가 22일 보도했다.

신문에 따르면 뭄바이에 거주하는 한 하층계급 가정부가 남편에게 에이즈 양성 바이러스 전염이 된 뒤 이혼했으며 이후 집 주인과 그 주인의 친척, 경비원, 운전사등 자신의 일터 주변 남성 100여명과 무작위 성관계를 맺었다.

이 사실은 두달 전부터 그녀를 치료해 온 뭄바이 에이즈 클리닉 병원의 길라다 박사가 알게 돼 경찰 및 관계당국에 신고함에 따라 알려졌다고 신문은 전했다.

이 여성은 남편으로부터 에이즈가 전염된 사실에 격분, 세상에 복수하는 심정으로 이 같은 일을 저질렀다고 밝힌 것으로 알려졌다.

신문은 에이즈 바이러스의 무작위 확산을 막기 위해 정부 차원의 적절한 조치가 시급한 때라고 지적했다.
