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POSCO foundation names prize winners

POSCO TJ Park Foundation announced Monday that this year’s TJ Park Prize will be awarded to a Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology scientist, educator and two philanthropists.

The foundation, named after POSCO founder Park Tae-joon, has awarded the annual prize for outstanding achievement in the fields of science, education and social services since 2006.
KAIST professor Lee Sang-yub
KAIST professor Lee Sang-yub

The recipients, who will receive the award at a ceremony on March 22, are Prof. Lee Sang-yub of KAIST’s department of chemical and bio-molecular engineering, Namhansan Elementary School principle Choi Woong-jib and Buddhist monk Pomnyun and the Alola Foundation.

The foundation said that Lee was selected for outstanding research in his field, while Choi was selected for turning around his school and introducing innovative teaching methods.

Pomnyun is being honored for his efforts at providing education and addressing poverty issues in Asia, while the Alola Foundation was singled out for its work in supporting mothers and young children in East Timor.

By Choi He-suk  (