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Kerry in Indonesia with climate change high on agenda

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry began a three-day trip to Jakarta Saturday where he plans to focus on climate change.

The Indonesian capital is the last stop in his three-country Asia tour. He traveled to Seoul and Beijing.

On Sunday, he is scheduled to deliver a speech on climate change at the American Center here.

In the first of a series of speeches on climate change this year, the secretary will touch on the "compelling and undeniable scientific case of this growing challenge," a senior State Department official said on background.

Climate change is pushing the planet towards a "tipping point of no return, threatening not just the environment, but the global economy and our way of life," added the official.

Kerry will call on the global community, not just countries, but individual citizens around the world, to do more immediately because addressing the threat of climate change will require a global solution, according to the official.

Kerry, who served in the Senate for a long time, is a veteran climate champion.

  Climate change, along with North Korea, was high on agenda throughout his two-day stay in Beijing.

As the secretary left for Jakarta on Saturday afternoon, the U.S. and China issued a joint statement on climate change.

"In light of the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change and its worsening impacts, and the related issue of air pollution from burning fossil fuels, the United States and China recognize the urgent need for action to meet these twin challenges," it said.

Both sides reaffirm their commitment to contribute significantly to successful 2015 global efforts to meet this challenge, it added.

The U.S. and China are the biggest sources of emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that cause the atmosphere to trap solar heat and alter the climate. (Yonhap News)
