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[팟캐스트] (488) Z세대의 적은 Z세대? / ‘반쪽짜리’ 칩스법 국회 통과에 반도체 산업 우려

A YouTube screenshot shows
A YouTube screenshot shows "MZ Office," from "SNL Korea." (YouTube)

진행자: 조혜림, Naomi Garyan
1. Gen Z vs Gen Z: How their enemies at work are now themselves
기사요약: 기존에 MZ와 기성세대 간의 갈등을 다룬 TV프로그램들이 인기를 끌었다면 요즘엔 MZ들 간의 안보이는 신경전을 다루는 프로그램들이 늘어나며 많은 이들의 공감대를 얻고 있다. 
[1] For millennials and Generation Z – those who were born between the early 1980s to early 2010s, respectively – clashing with their bosses at work has been popular material for television comedy in South Korea over the past few years. But recently, the skits took a new turn, with many of them poking fun at how their real enemy at work is not their bosses, but themselves.
*skit: (조롱하는) 촌극, 희문 
*take a new turn: 새로운 국면이 전개되다
*poke fun: 조롱하다, 바보취급하다, 놀리다 

[2] In the episode's last scene, the boss suggests, "How about we all get some Starbucks coffee?" Instead of offering to get the coffee as junior staff are often expected to, the new recruits say that they want Iced Americanos. The other MZ staff awkwardly smile while cursing to themselves until finally the only male employee grudgingly offers to go.
*recruits: 신입사원 
*awkwardly: 어색하게
*grudgingly: 마지못해, 꺼리다 

[3] In recent years, the rise of “young kkondaes” has become a major topic of conversation in Korea. The term "kkondae" is widely used among Koreans to refer to baby boomers who create an uncomfortable workplace dynamic through their condescending and authoritarian attitude. However, this term has evolved to include all age groups.
Young kkondaes are millennials or Gen Z who demand absolute obedience from fellow millennial or Gen Z colleagues, despite being only a few years apart in age or career experience.
*become a major topic: 화제가 되다 
*condescending: 거들먹거리는, 잘난 체하는
*authoritarian: 권위주의적인 

2. 'Half-baked' chips act falls short of drastic corporate tax cuts
기사요약: 소위 ‘K칩스법’이라는 국내 반도체 산업 지원을 위한 법안의 개정안이 최근 국회 문턱을 넘었다. 대기업의 반도체 설비투자에 관한 세액공제율을 기존 6%에서 8%로 인상했지만 다른 나라와 비교해 턱없이 낮은 상황이라서 업계 미래 경쟁력이 약화될 거란 우려가 커지고 있다. 

[1] South Korea last week passed a revision bill being deemed the "Korean chips act," expanding tax benefits for investments in the semiconductors industry.
But the bill has done little to appease stakeholders in the industry, who said the increased tax cuts are too little to boost their competitiveness against other countries that have adopted their own chips laws.
*deemed: 간주되다, 여겨지다
*revision bill: 개정안
*do little: 거의 도움이 되지 않다 
*appease: 달래다, 진정시키다
*stakeholders: 이해당사자, 주주

[2] The National Assembly on Friday passed the revision bill to the Restriction of Special Taxation Act, which raised the corporate tax break for facility investment to 8 percent for large corporations such as Samsung Electronics and SK hynix, from the previous 6 percent.
*tax break: 세금 감세 조치

[3] “The global standard for semiconductor investment is 25 percent, the US is at 25 percent, Taiwan is at 25 percent and for China, it is 100 percent. South Korea sets it at 8 percent. How would that foster competitiveness?” Rep. Yang posed. The Samsung Electronics executive-turned-lawmaker switched to a political independent upon her exit from the main opposition Democratic Party last year.
*foster: 조성하다, 발전시키다 
*political independent: 무소속


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):
팟빵 (안드로이드):

By Jo He-rim (