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[팟캐스트] (420) 불광문고 살리기에 나선 주민들/ 다회용 용기 사용 촉구하는 환경 단체들

Green Korea and Riders Union hold press conference to call on food delivery platforms to introduce the option of reusable containers in front of Baedal Minjok headquarters in Seoul on Thursday. (Yonhap)
Green Korea and Riders Union hold press conference to call on food delivery platforms to introduce the option of reusable containers in front of Baedal Minjok headquarters in Seoul on Thursday. (Yonhap)
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Selzer

Article 1. Residents rally to save Bulgwang Bookstore

요약: 은평구 주민들의 온라인 청원을 시작으로, 불광문고의 재정난으로 인한 폐업을 막기 위한 노력이 진행되고 있다.

[1] When news spread that Bulgwang Bookstore, a local bookstore located in Eunpyeong-gu, northwestern Seoul, will be closing next month due to financial struggles, local residents in the neighborhood immediately filed a petition at the local district office to seek help.

* rally 결집, 단결하다
* financial struggles 재정난

[2] Bulgwang Bookstore, a modest bookstore which opened in 1996, is only a block away from Bulgwang Station exit no. 8.

* modest (크기·가격·중요성 등이) 그다지 대단하지는 않은, 보통의, 겸손한

[3] At the time of its opening, libraries or bookstores did not exist around the area, which naturally turned the bookstore into a place where children would squeeze into the crowded bookshelves to read books.

* squeeze into 꽉꽉 눌러 넣다

[4] Despite facing hardships in operating the store from time to time, the owner of the bookstore, Choi Nak-beom, 62, has kept his strict rule of letting customers to freely thumb through books without feeling obliged to make purchases.

* thumb through …을 급히 훑어보다
* feel obliged to (do) 의무감이 들다

[5] The online petition titled, “Protect the local bookstore in Eunpyeong-gu,” posted on the Eunpyeong-gu Office website on Aug. 19, gathered 500 signatures within a single day, the minimum required votes that warrants a response from the head of the district. As of Sunday, more than 1,530 people have showed support.

* warrant 정당하게 만들다, 영장

기사 원문:

Article 2. Groups call for reusable takeout containers

요약: 녹색연합을 비롯한 시민단체들이 배달 앱 서비스들의 다회용 용기 사용 시스템 촉진에 목소리를 높이고 있다.

[1] Green Korea claims that a simple change on food delivery apps meant 65 million less disposable utensils were used

*disposable 일회용
*utensil (가정에서 사용하는) 기구[도구], 부엌용품

[2] A civic group and labor union on Thursday called on food delivery platforms to allow users to choose reusable containers when they order takeout.

*call on 요청하다, 촉구하다; (ask, request)

[3] “Food deliveries have soared in the past year and eight months, but there are no countermeasures against delivery waste,” Green Korea and Riders Union said during a press conference held in front of Baedal Minjok headquarters in Seoul. “Currently, the only way consumers can save disposable waste is by not receiving disposable spoons and chopsticks.”

*soared (가치·물가 등이) 급증하다, 치솟다
*countermeasures 대항조치

[4] Three in 4 people feel uncomfortable and guilty when they ordered food to go because of the amount of waste generated from disposable utensils and containers, Green Korea said, citing results from a survey they conducted. The findings also showed 40 percent of the respondents said the most urgent issue is to come up with a system to expand using reusable containers to reduce delivery waste. Green Korea pointed out that a small change by service providers can have a huge impact.

*guilty 죄책감이 드는, 가책을 느끼는
*urgent 긴급한, 시급한

기사 원문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):

팟빵 (안드로이드):

By Korea Herald (