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[팟캐스트] (422) 디즈니+ 국내 상륙 임박, 업계 파장 시작 / 민주당 "내년 대선에 '우편투표제' 도입하자"

Disney+ logo (Walt Disney)
Disney+ logo (Walt Disney)

진행자: 최지원, Naomi Garyan

Article 1. Disney+ expected to bring fresh spin to fast-evolving streaming market in South Korea

요약: 글로벌 동영상 재생 서비스 ‘디즈니플러스’의 한국 상륙이 오는 11월 12일로 공식화되며 업계에 치열한 경쟁과 판도변화가 예상된다.

[1] For die-hard South Korean fans of “The Simpsons,” Marvel and “Star Wars” franchises, the planned launch of Disney+ on Nov. 12 is a long-awaited day for celebration -- and binge-watching.

*stream: (명) 시내, 줄기; (동) 흐르다 (streaming: 흐름; (넷플릭스와 같은) 동영상재생서비스)
*spin: (명) 회전; (동) 돌다, 회전하다
*evolve: 발달하다; 진화하다
*die-hard: 끝까지 버티는, 완고한
*franchise: 가맹점 (혹은 그 영업권); (특정한 콘텐츠로 이뤄진) 세계관
*binge: (특정 행동을) 한동안 흥청망청하다; 폭음하다; 폭식하다

[2] Korea’s major telecom operators are keen to work with Disney, as its streaming service with a competitive subscription fee is likely to appeal to mainstream family viewers.

*keen: 간절히 하고자 하다; 열정적이다; 예리하다
*subscribe: 구독하다 (subscription fee: 구독료)
*appeal to: 매력 혹은 관심을 끌다; 호소하다; 항소(상고)하다

[3] The launch of Disney+ also signals a fresh round of competition in the streaming video and content production markets in Korea, one of the key beachheads for expansion in Asia and beyond.

*signal: (명) 신호; (동) 신호를 보내다, 암시하다
*round: (형) 둥근; (명) 경기 혹은 시합의 단계
*beachheads: 상륙 거점

[4] Netflix has been the front-runner in the streaming business in Korea, with some 9.1 million subscribers as of July. //Last year, Netflix saw its revenue in Korea more than double to $356 million, spurred by people staying home amid the pandemic.

*front-runner: 선두주자, 우승 후보
*spur: 자극하다, 원동력이 되다 (spurred by: ~가 자극제가 되어)

기사 원문:

Article 2. Overseas voters call for postal voting; ruling party seeks legislation

요약: 장기화되는 코로나 팬데믹 상황 속 재외국민의 참정권 보장을 위해 더불어민주당 원내대표가 내년 대선에 재외국민 우편투표제의 도입을 제안했다.

[1] The ruling Democratic Party is seeking to revise election laws to allow South Korean expatriates to vote by mail, upon growing calls from overseas Koreans who want that option.

*call for: ~를 필요로 하다, 요청하다
*seek: 찾다
*upon~: ~에 따라, ~하자 마자

[2] Overseas Koreans with voting rights include those with permanent residency in other countries, students studying abroad and workers dispatched by Korean companies. The total number of eligible voters living abroad is about 2.14 million, or 4.5 percent of all voters.

*dispatch: 보내다; 파견하다
*eligible: ~할 수 있는, ~할 자격이 있는

[3] Despite their significant numbers, overseas voters have had little impact on past elections due to low turnout. During the past four elections -- two presidential elections and two general elections -- the average expat turnout was as low as 5 percent.

Expats cite the low number of polling stations as one reason and are demanding a postal voting system.

*turnout: 투표율, 투표자수, 매출 (숫자와 관련한 결과)
*cite~: ~를 인용하다, ~를 이유로 들다

[4] Yun Ho-joong, floor leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, said at a parliamentary meeting Sept. 7, “Reports of expat voters and absenteeism will begin on Oct. 10 to prepare a list of presidential electors. The current law, which requires people to visit diplomatic offices and vote uniformly, limits their right to vote due to the pandemic.”

*absenteeism: 결석
*diplomatic: 외교의

기사 원문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):

팟빵 (안드로이드):

By Korea Herald (
