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[팟캐스트] (365) 주식말고 운동화, 스니커즈 리셀 열풍/ 해외입국자 격리시설 가보니


진행자: 조혜림, Paul Kerry


1. [Weekender] Investing in stocks? Why not sneakers?

[1] Even non-sneakerheads are realizing the lucrative nature of sneaker resale these days. O Jee-ye had never been much interested in expensive shoes. Shoes kissed ground-level microbes. They wore out much quicker than other items of clothing. What shoes are for, O thought, was for protection. They were good if breathable, durable, didn’t give her blisters and matched the day’s outfit.

*sneakerhead: 운동화광
*lucrative: 수익성이 좋은
*nature: 성향
*microbes: 미생물
*wear out: 닳다, 헤지다
*durable: 내구성이 있는

[2] It was a shock for O when she learned through a close friend of hers that he easily makes 300,000 won ($250) a time by buying and reselling limited edition sneakers at a margin. That was nearly half her monthly rent in an average neighborhood in Seoul. What’s more, his profits were apparently nowhere near what the truly nimble resellers achieve.

*apparently: 듣자하니, 보아하니
*nowhere near: 거리가 먼, 도저히 미치지 못하는
*nimble: 잽싼, 빠른

[3] These transactions were not without risks. Beguiled sneaker enthusiasts were sometimes misled to pay unreasonable rates for a pair of counterfeit shoes.

*transaction: 거래
*beguiled: 현혹된, 속은
*enthusiast: 열광적인 지지자, 팬
*mislead: 호도하다
*unreasonable: 불합리한, 지나친
*counterfeit: 위조된

[4] The culture of sneaker collecting is closely tied to the cultures of basketball and skateboarding. It dates back to the 1980s, when Michael Jordan emerged as an icon in the sports industry. His eponymous sneaker brand Air Jordan, launched 1984, became a status symbol for fans.

*be tied to: 의지하다, 연결돼있다
*date back to: ~까지 거슬러 올라가다
*emerge: 나오다, 드러나다
*eponymous: 어떤 사람에 관련시켜서 그의 이름을 붙이는
*status symbol: 사회적 신분의 상징


2. [From the scene] Korea’s quarantine hotel is ‘contagion-free’

[1] South Korea has required a 14-day quarantine for all arrivals from outside the country since April 1. Passengers with symptoms are tested at airport checkpoints and either sent to health institutions or other quarantine sites, depending on the results. The rest go to quarantine hotels -- such as this one in Incheon, situated less than 10 minutes’ driving distance from the airport.

*require: 요구하다, 필요로 하다
*checkpoint: 검문소
*situated 위치해 있는

[2] Since being made over as quarantine housing on May 22, the five-star hotel has hosted 2,323 passengers. At its peak, all 450 of its quarantine-ready rooms were filled.

*make over: (다른 용도를 위해) 고치다, 바꾸다
*peak: 최고조, 꼭대기

[3] All passengers have their temperatures checked in the lobby and have nasal samples collected for testing. Then medical personnel examine them for symptoms and ask them to submit a questionnaire detailing their medical history. In addition, they are required to install a smartphone app that will guide them in checking symptoms for themselves.

*nasal: 코의
*medical personnel: 의료인
*examine: 검사하다
*questionnaire: 설문지
*medical history: 병력


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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