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[팟캐스트] (348) 배달의민족 수수료 논란 / 총선 사전투표율 역대 최고치


진행자: 손지형, Paul Kerry

1. Baedal Minjok apologizes for new fee system, decides to take back

요약: 음식 배달앱 배달의민족 운영사 우아한형제들이 음식점 대상 수수료 부과 체계 변경 계획을 철회.

[1] Baedal Minjok, which has come under fire for the introduction of a restructured commission system, on Friday issued a public apology and said it would be returning to the previous fee structure.

*come under fire: 비판에 휩싸이다
*commission: 수수료
*issue a public apology: 공개적으로 사과하다 

[2] The country’s No. 1 delivery app operator Baemin recently took public flak after it announced it would expand the fixed-rate commission system from April 1, while scaling back the more preferred flat-sum system. 

*take flak: 비판을 받다
*fixed-rate system: 고정수수료율 기준 (수수료 부과)제도
*scale back: 회귀하다
*flat-sum system: 고정금액 기준 (수수료 부과)제도

[3] Restaurant owners complained that the change was made unilaterally and was designed to impose a higher cost burden on them.

*complain: 불평하다
*unilaterally: 일방적으로
*be designed to: -하고자 하다
*impose a burden on: -에게 부담을 지우다 

[4] Woowa Brothers’ Chief Executive and founder Kim Bong-jin and CEO Kim Beom-joon issued a statement Friday to apologize for failing to reflect on the difficulties that restaurant owners now face.

*reflect on: -에 대해 깊이 생각하다, -에게 나쁜 영향을 끼치다

[5] ”We will go back to square one with the commission system and return to the previous system. We will do our best to return as fast as we can.”

*go back to square one: 처음으로 돌아가다

기사 전문:

2. Parties strive to turn early voting enthusiasm to their favor

요약: 코로나19가 창궐한 올해 4.15 총선 앞두고 진행한 사전투표에서 투표율 최고치 기록. 각 당마다 다른 해석

[1] More than a quarter of all eligible voters in South Korea have already cast their votes in last week’s advance voting period. And parties are all out to turn the higher-than-expected voter enthusiasm to their favor in the lead up to Wednesday’s main voting.

*eligible: 자격조건에 맞는
*be all out to: 총력을 기울이다
*turn A to one's favor: A를 -에게 유리하게 돌리다
*lead up to: -까지 계속되다

[2] Voter turnout in the two-day early voting Friday and Saturday reached a record high of 26.67 percent with 11.7 million voters, according to the National Election Commission.

*voter turnout: 투표율

[3] The ruling Democratic Party interprets it as a sign of voters rallying behind the government’s efforts to win the virus fight. With the virus’ spread showing a clear sign of slowing, the liberal bloc has been enjoying an upward momentum in support ratings.

*interpret A as B: A를 B로 해석하다.
*rally behind A: A를 지지하다
*bloc: (정치) 연합
*momentum: 탄력, 가속도

[4] The main opposition United Future Party said conservative and centrist voters are consolidating behind the party to pass a judgement on President Moon Jae-in and it is showing in the higher voter turnout.

*conservative: 보수
*centrist: 중도
*consolidate: 결집하다, 통합하다
*pass a judgment on: 심판하다

기사 원문:
