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S. Korea reelected to WFP's executive board for 2022-24

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Yonhap)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Yonhap)
South Korea has been reelected to the executive board of the World Food Programme (WFP) for the 2022-24 period, the foreign ministry said Wednesday.

The decision was made at a UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) meeting on Tuesday. South Korea has been on the 36-member governing body of the WEF since 2019.

The executive board is in charge of instructing the UN food assistance body with policy directions and the supervision of its overall activities.

"The government will actively take part in international community's discussions related to food security, particularly to help the WFP more effectively tackle the food challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic," the ministry said.

As of 2020, South Korea had given $88 million in contributions to WFP aid programs, according to the ministry. (Yonhap)
