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News Corp.'s launch of iPad newspaper is delayed


(News Corp. and iPad maker Apple Inc. have decided to delay the launch of The Daily.)
(News Corp. and iPad maker Apple Inc. have decided to delay the launch of The Daily.)
NEW YORK (AP) _ News Corp. is pushing back the launch of the world's first iPad-only newspaper.

The company declined to comment on why. But a person familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to disclose details, said Friday that News Corp. and iPad maker Apple Inc. have decided to delay the launch while they work on the technology involved in providing subscriptions.

This person said the holdup will be weeks and not months. A formal announcement about the new publication, called The Daily, had been slated for Wednesday. News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch and Apple CEO Steve Jobs were scheduled to attend a launch event at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

The delay was reported earlier by The Wall Street Journal, which is also owned by News Corp. 

The company has staffed bureaus around the country and has already been producing mockup editions. The Daily will cover general news, culture and entertainment and will include video.

Since going on sale last year, the iPad has kindled new hopes for professional journalism in the digital age. Traditional publishers are betting the iPad and its imitators can help provide new sources of advertising and subscription revenue.

And many of them need it. The economics of news on the broader Web have been brutal for print publishers. Space for Web advertising typically sells at just a fraction of what it does in print, and few publications have been able to successfully charge readers for online access to stories.

News Corp. has revealed few details about The Daily. It has not said, for instance, what it will charge readers, if anything. But the company has been at the forefront of efforts to get subscription fees for digital content. The Wall Street Journal's website has required a paid subscription for 14 years and the newspaper charges for its iPad app.

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아이패드 전용 디지털신문 창간 연기

(뉴욕 AP=연합뉴스) 미디어 재벌 루퍼트 머독의 뉴스코프와 애플이 준비 중인

아이패드 전용 디지털신문 '더 데일리(The Daily)'의 창간일이 수주일 연기됐다고 뉴스코프 관계자가 14일(현지시각) 밝혔다.

뉴스코프 측은 연기 이유를 밝히지 않았으나 익명을 요구한 뉴스코프 관계자는 양사가 구독 관리와 관련한 기술적인 작업을 위해 창간 연기를 결정했다고 말했다.

그는 연기 기간이 수주일 정도가 될 것이라고 덧붙였다.

뉴스코프와 애플은 애초 오는 19일 샌프란시스코 현대미술관에서 루퍼트 머독 뉴스코프 회장과 스티브 잡스 애플 최고경영자(CEO)가 참석한 가운데 창간행사를 할 것으로 알려졌었다.

포브스는 앞서 더 데일리 창간에 150여명의 스태프가 참여했고, 뉴스코프가  창간 첫해 3천만 달러를 투자한다고 보도한 바 있다.

뉴스코프는 이미 더 데일리 시험판을 제작 중이며 앞으로 일반 뉴스와 문화, 오락 분야 등의 소식을 그래픽·동영상과 함께 보도할 것으로 알려졌다.

뉴스코프는 더 데일리의 유료화 여부를 아직 밝히지 않고 있으나 뉴스코프가 소유한 월스트리트저널과 더 타임스, 선데이 타임스 인터넷판은 유료로 운영되고 있다.
