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MANILA (AFP) - Philippine authorities may ban sex on the world-famous beaches of Boracay island after a television crew filmed two naked couples making out in public on New Year's Day, the local mayor said Thursday.

The clip showed one pair apparently having sex on the beach and the other locked in a passionate kiss in the water, with the woman's bare breasts clearly shown above the waterline.

The ABS-CBN television network said it filmed the apparently Western couples at 2:00 am on New Year's Day following a large beachside party on Boracay to usher in 2011.

"We're thinking of a 'no sex on the beach' (rule) so the other tourists would not be scandalised," John Yap, mayor of Malay town that has jurisdiction over Boracay, told ABS-CBN in an interview posted on its website this week.

Yap said authorities were aware of the sensitivities of the devoutly Roman Catholic nation.

"It's an isolated case and quite difficult to control but, if police had seen them, they would have been arrested for public scandal," he said.

In a brief phone call with AFP on Thursday, Yap confirmed the quotes.

Filipina film star and talk show television host Ruffa Gutierrez, who said she was vacationing with her two young children at Boracay over the New Year, expressed disgust at the holiday makers' over-exuberance.

"I don't want my children to be doing those things (public sex acts) one day," she told ABS-CBN.

"For me, it's just not right."

Boracay draws about 650,000 tourists every year, or about 22 percent of the country's total visitor traffic, according to tourist ministry data.


우리나라에서도 잘 알려진 세계적인 휴양지 필리핀의 보라카이 해변에서 섹스 금지령이 내려질것 같다. 외신에 따르면 이지역 시장은 이같은 조치를 고려하게 된 것은 외신 TV가 새해첫날 깊은 밤 해변가에서 두 커플의 과다한 애정표현을 방영한 것이 발단이 되었다.

새벽 2시에 촬영된 이 장면에서 한 커플은 해변가에서 섹스를 하는 모습이 포착되었고 다른 한 커플은 물에서 진한 키스를 나누는 모습이었는데 여성의 가슴이 다 노출 되었다고 외신은 전하고 있다.   

보라카이 지역의 관할권을 가지고 있는 말레이 타운의 존 얍 시장은 "해변에서 섹스행위 금지령 을 생각하고 있다" 고 인터뷰에서 밝혔다.