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Prosecutors: Berlusconi had sex with teen 13 times

MILAN (AP) _ Premier Silvio Berlusconi paid for sex with an under-age Moroccan teen 13 times at his villa near Milan, prosecutors said in a document filed Tuesday seeking indictments against three aides for allegedly soliciting prostitutes for the Italian leader.

The seven-page document, obtained by The Associated Press, alleges that the sex-fueled parties started with dinner, progressed to erotic dancing involving the premier and culminated with Berlusconi's choice of a sex partner, or partners.

Prosecutors have formally closed the investigation and are seeking indictments against the three aides, whom they accuse of identifying possible sex partners for Berlusconi and informing them of payment and other compensation ``that they would have received for their sexual availability.''

The premier separately faces trial in Milan April 6 on charges of under-age prostitution and using his influence to cover it up.

A judge must now decide whether to indict the three aides, and start a separate trial.

Berlusconi has denies all charges, and his lawyers have filed a complaint to Rome prosecutors, saying they feared a setup. Ruby also has denied having had sex with the premier, and says she has never acted as a prostitute.

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi looks on during a press conference following a cabinet meeting on the justice reforms, in Rome, Thursday, March 10, 2011. Berlusconi has an adhesive bandage on his face after undergoing jaw surgery earlier this week. (AP-Yonhap News)
Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi looks on during a press conference following a cabinet meeting on the justice reforms, in Rome, Thursday, March 10, 2011. Berlusconi has an adhesive bandage on his face after undergoing jaw surgery earlier this week. (AP-Yonhap News)

Besides the Moroccan teen, Karima el-Mahroug, known by her nickname Ruby, the document identifies 32 other women whom the three aides involved in parties at Berlusconi's villa near Milan.

The prosecutors allege that aides have acted together in a criminal scheme to induce Ruby into prostitution.

The document says that Ruby ``committed sexual acts with Silvio Berlusconi, for payment in cash and other compensation, at his residence'' outside of Milan on 13 occasions from Feb. 14-May 2, 2010, the document says. Ruby, who has since turned 18, was 17 at the time.

Berlusconi faces trial on charges he paid for sex with a Moroccan girl nicknamed Ruby, who at the time was a minor. (AP-Yonhap News)
Berlusconi faces trial on charges he paid for sex with a Moroccan girl nicknamed Ruby, who at the time was a minor. (AP-Yonhap News)

According to the document, the evenings proceeded in three phases. Dinner was followed by erotic dancing, dubbed ``bunga, bunga.'' During this phase, the women were either masked, did a striptease or erotic dance ``touching each other mutually, touching or being touched in their intimate areas by Silvio Berlusconi.''

The evening ended when Berlusconi chose ``one or more girls with whom to spend a night of intimate relations, people who were paid sums of cash, or other compensation beyond what was given to the other participants.''

``A third phase, at the end of the evening, consisted of the choice, on the part of Silvio Berlusconi, of one or more girls with whom to spend a night of intimate relations,'' the document said.

The three aides are Nicole Minetti _ who helped win Ruby's release from police custody last summer after she was picked up for allegedly stealing euro3,000 from an associate _ Dario ``Lele'' Mora and Emilio Fede, both confidantes of Berlusconi's.

The document alleges that Minetti arranged payments to the women, while Mora and Fede ``identified young women disposed to prostitute themselves in the Arcore residence of Silvio Berlusconi.''

The abuse of influence charge against Berlusconi is based on calls made by him and on his behalf to police to win the girl's release, allegedly to cover up their relationship.

Paying for sex with a prostitute is not a crime in Italy, but it is if the prostitute is under 18. The age limit was raised from 16 in 2006 during a campaign against underage prostitution by a previous Berlusconi government.


<한글 기사>

伊검찰 "베를루스코니, 13차례 미성년 성매매"

(밀라노 AP=연합뉴스) 미성년 성매매 추문으로 재판을 앞둔 실비로 베를루스코니 이탈리아 총리가 밀라노 인근에 있는 그의 빌라에서 모로코 출신 미성년 벨리댄서와 13회에 걸쳐 성관계를 가졌다고 현지 검찰이 주장했다.

검찰은 15일(현지시각) 성매매를 부추긴 혐의를 받고 있는 베를루스코니 총리 보좌관 3명에 대한 공소장에서 총리의 미성년 성매매 혐의를 언급했다.

검찰은 소장에서 베를루스코니 총리가 지난 2010년 2월14일부터 5월2일까지 밀라노 인근에 있는 거처에서 모로코 벨리댄서 카리마 엘-마루그(일명 '루비')에게 금전적 대가를 지급하는 조건으로 성행위를 했다고 밝혔다.

검찰은 특히 총리의 빌라에서 저녁 파티가 열린 가운데 참석자들이 서로를 만지며 성적인 춤을 추거나 여성들이 스트립쇼를 벌이기도 했다고 전했다.

또, 파티가 끝날 무렵에는 총리가 루비를 포함한 33명의 여성 가운데 1명 이상의 성관계 파트너를 선택했으며, 이들은 현금이나 다른 대가를 지급받았다고 주장했다.

검찰은 이와 함께 총리의 보좌관 2명이 총리와 성관계를 가질 여성들을 중개하는 일을 맡았으며, 나머지 1명은 이 여성들에게 대가를 지급하는 일을 담당했다고 밝혔다.
