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Tentacled tipster Paul the Octopus gets memorial

BERLIN – Paul the celebrated octopus has finally got his tentacles wrapped around a soccer ball.

The Sea Life aquarium in Oberhausen on Thursday unveiled an outsized memorial to the World Cup's most unlikely star: A 6 1/2-foot (2-meter) tall plastic replica of Paul clutching a ball in his eight arms.

The two-meter-tall statue has been revealed for Paul the Octopus, the tentacled tipster who fascinated football fans by correctly predicting results at last year's World Cup. (AP-Yonhap News)
The two-meter-tall statue has been revealed for Paul the Octopus, the tentacled tipster who fascinated football fans by correctly predicting results at last year's World Cup. (AP-Yonhap News)

Aquarium spokeswoman Tanja Munzig says Paul's cremated ashes were placed in a gold-leaf-covered urn inside the ball. Paul died three months ago and Munzig says fans around the world had asked for a memorial.

Paul correctly tipped the outcome of all seven of Germany's games at last year's World Cup plus the Spain-Netherlands final. He made his predictions by opening the lid of one of two boxes, each containing a mussel and bearing a team flag.

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점쟁이 문어 '파울' 모형도 인기만점

독일 서부 오버하우젠 해양생물박물관에서 20일 2m짜리 점쟁이 문어 '파울' 모형이 공개됐다. 파울은 지난 남아공 월드컵에서 스페인과 네덜란드의 결승전과 독일팀의 7개 경기결과를 잇따라 맞혀 인기를 끌었으나 작년 10월 자연사했다. 박물관 대변인은 화장된 파울의 유해가 금박으로 덮인 단지에 넣어져 파울 기념비의 일부인 축구공 안에 놓여있다고 밝혔다.
