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Korea-American lawmaker named co-chair of US congressional study group

This is an image of Rep. Young Kim (R-CA) captured from her Facebook account. (Rep. Young Kim's Facebook)
This is an image of Rep. Young Kim (R-CA) captured from her Facebook account. (Rep. Young Kim's Facebook)
A Korean-American member of the US House of Representatives has been named a co-chair for a US congressional study group on Korea, an association of former US lawmakers said Thursday.

Young Kim (R-CA) will serve as co-chair of the Congressional Study Group on Korea along with Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA), according to the Association of Former Members of Congress (FMC).

"As a Korean American, I am excited to be able to facilitate important, bipartisan discussions with Co-Chair Rep. Bera and my colleagues on the US-ROK relationship through the Congressional Study Group on Korea," Kim was quoted as saying.

"I hope to help my fellow Members learn more about this critical relationship and find ways we can work together to promote shared priorities between our countries," she added, according to the FMC.

The Congressional Study Group on Korea was founded in 2018 and is the newest addition to a list of legislative exchange bodies at FMC, the association said, adding it involves members of both the House and the Senate in discussions with government and elected officials in South Korea.

"For more than thirty years, the Congressional Study Groups have brought bipartisan groups of legislators together to discuss issues ranging from trade policy to global security," it said in a press release.

Kim was elected to her first term in the House of Representatives in November, becoming one of the first Korean-American women in Congress. (Yonhap)
