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Korea ranks 29th in well-being: Deloitte

South Korea was ranked 29th in the world in terms of well-being, according to an index published by global accounting group Deloitte. Norway was ranked No. 1.

Social Progress Imperative, a U.S.-based nonprofit research organization affiliated with Deloitte Global, said in its yearly report that Korea got 77.7 points in the Social Progressive Index. It was ranked 29th among 133 countries, a one-notch fall from last year.

In its detailed assessment, Korea was the highest in nutrition and medical care but relatively low in social opportunities and ecosystem sustainability.

“Korea was recognized for its medical sector but is yet to improve its social awareness on environment and opportunities,” said Yoon Young-won, partner and public sector industry leader at Deloitte Anjin, the Korean branch of the global group.

Norway topped the list with 88.36 points, followed by Sweden, Switzerland, Iceland, New Zealand, Canada, Finland, Denmark and Australia.

Japan and China were placed 15th and 92nd respectively, while the South Africa came last.

The SPI measures the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens, based on 54 indicators.
