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FM nominee: Boosting alliance with US 'primary task' for S. Korea diplomacy

Chung Eui-yong, foreign minister nominee, speaks to reporters in front of the foreign ministry building in Seoul on Thursday. (Yonhap)
Chung Eui-yong, foreign minister nominee, speaks to reporters in front of the foreign ministry building in Seoul on Thursday. (Yonhap)
Boosting the alliance with the United States is a primary task for South Korean diplomacy, the nominee for foreign minister said Thursday.

Chung Eui-yong, who served as national security adviser to President Moon Jae-in before his nomination as foreign minister, made the remarks during a brief press availability, calling the alliance with the US "the foundation of our diplomacy."

"I think one of the most important tasks for our diplomacy is to continue to develop our alliance with the United States in a more sound and mutually beneficial manner," Chung told reporters.

Chung's nomination is seen as reflecting Moon's will to revive his peace drive and help resume the nuclear diplomacy between Washington and Pyongyang. Chung is known for playing a key role in brokering the first-ever US-North Korea summit in 2018.

Chung also said it was "very encouraging" to see swift communication taking place between the ministers of defense and foreign affairs and the national security advisers of the two countries since the launch of the Joe Biden administration.

"I think all of this proves that the two governments fully recognize and share the value and importance of the alliance," he added.

Seoul is seeking to firm up ties with Washington and mend relations with Tokyo to create fresh momentum to reengage with Pyongyang. Biden has called for strengthening regional alliances as a key foreign policy initiative.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said Washington will review its "entire approach and policy" toward the North and come up with a strategy through close consultations with Seoul and other allies.

During the first phone talks on Wednesday (Seoul time) between Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha and Blinken, the two sides agreed that the North Korean nuclear issue is a pressing matter that the two countries should work closely to resolve under the Biden administration. (Yonhap)
