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Two foreign conductors tapped for Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra

Two foreign conductors have been named to lead the Seoul Philharmonic, the orchestra said in a press release Thursday.

Thierry Fischer, music director of the Utah Symphony Orchestra, and Markus Stenz, chief conductor of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, will fill the position that has remained vacant since former conductor Chung Myung-whun stepped down in December.

Fischer and Stenz will assume the titles, principal guest conductor and conductor-in-residence, respectively, according to their wishes.

The two said in the press release that they were very delighted for the opportunities and excited to embark on the new adventure.

It is the first time that the city orchestra is adopting an honorary guest conductor system.

The two appointees will work for three years, from January till December 2019, when the next conductor is expected to be officially appointed. During the term, the renowned conductors will share their expertise and global experiences by, for example, giving their advice on the selection of programs. They will also help ordinary people feel more comfortable with classical music by talking to them at several events.

For next year, the two are set to conduct at least 10 concerts among the 40 regular performances by the orchestra.

Thierry Fischer (left) and Markus Stenz (SPO)
Thierry Fischer (left) and Markus Stenz (SPO)

Back in March, the orchestra formed a seven-member committee dedicated to selecting a conductor. It recommended the two as finalists.

“The two have gone through a thorough screening process to check their musical ability, vast repertoires, global recognition, extensive concert experiences, former collaboration with our orchestra and their personal charms,” the orchestra said.

Born in Switzerland, the former flutist Fischer has a deep understanding of music, ranging from classic to contemporary. In 2013, he was invited to conduct the Seoul Philharmonic’s Ars Nova series.

From 2001-2006, the Swiss conductor became the principal conductor and artistic adviser of the Ulster Orchestra. He was chief conductor of the Nagoya Philharmonic from 2008-2011.

The German conductor Stenz conducted the Seoul Philharmonic’s Mahler Symphony No. 1 in December. From 2003-2015, he served as general music director of the city of Cologne and Gurzenich-Kapellmeister. He is critically acclaimed for his recording of the complete symphonies of Gustav Mahler.

Since 2012, he has served as chief conductor of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra. Starting in 2015, he also has worked as a principal guest conductor of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. (Yonhap)