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S. Korea, India agree on closer cooperation on int'l security issues


South Korea and India agreed Thursday to strengthen cooperation on international affairs, including disarmament and nonproliferation, during a virtual meeting between senior diplomats, Seoul's foreign ministry said.

In the session, Park Il, director of the disarmament and nonproliferation division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held talks with Indra Mani Pandey, India's additional secretary in charge of the matter.

They had discussions on creating conditions for nuclear disarmament and the issues of arms control, space security and multilateral export control regime, according to the ministry.

Park explained the South Korean government's efforts for progress in the Korea peace process and reaffirmed Seoul's commitment to continued cooperation with India and other countries.

The two sides agreed to hold related consultations on a regular basis and strengthen "communication" on multilateral diplomacy, including the Conference on Disarmament the First Committee of the UN General Assembly. (Yonhap)
