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N.EX.T urge passage of Shin Hae-chul law

Rock band N.EX.T, formerly led by the late Shin Hae-chul, held a concert at the National Assembly Members’ Office Building on Friday.

The concert was aimed at gathering the National Assembly members’ signatures to hold a public hearing for a medical law amendment called the Shin Hae-chul Act, according to KCA Entertainment, the late singer’s agency.

The poster for the N.EX.T live concert is seen at the National Assembly Members’ Office Building on Friday. (KCA Entertainment)
The poster for the N.EX.T live concert is seen at the National Assembly Members’ Office Building on Friday. (KCA Entertainment)

Singer Hong Kyung-min and entertainer and drummer Namgoong Yeon, both close friends of Shin, participated in the concert as singer and host, respectively.

The Shin Hae-chul Act was proposed last November by Saenuri Party legislator Kim Jung-rok. Under the proposed law, the Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency can begin mediation without the doctor’s consent in medical malpractice cases. It would abolish the doctor‘s right under the current law to refuse mediation, making it easier for potential malpractice victims to seek redress.

Shin died in October 2014 following stomach surgery, and a malpractice suit filed by his wife Yoon Won-hee is still pending in court.

Despite petitions submitted to the National Assembly urging the passage of the amendment, the National Assembly has yet to take action and the proposed law will be automatically abrogated with the close of the current session. By Jung Eun-jin (
