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Moon to meet China's top diplomat at Cheong Wa Dae

South Korean President Moon Jae-in plans to meet with China's State Councilor Wang Yi on Thursday afternoon for discussions on such pending issues as ways to improve Seoul-Beijing ties and resume talks on North Korea's nuclear program.

Wang, who doubles as foreign minister, on Wednesday began his first visit to South Korea in over four years, with relations between the neighboring countries strained over the deployment of the advanced US missile defense system, THAAD, in South Korea.

China's State Councilor Wang Yi (Yonhap)
China's State Councilor Wang Yi (Yonhap)

During their Cheong Wa Dae meeting, Moon and Wang are expected to emphasize the need for normalizing the ties and restarting denuclearization talks with North Korea at an early date.

Apparently on the agenda as well is Beijing's plan to host an annual trilateral summit involving Japan later this month.

If held, it would set the stage for Moon to hold talks with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Separately, Moon has invited Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit Seoul.

Wang had talks with South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha on Wednesday, during which they agreed on the importance of putting Seoul-Beijing relations back on a normal track, according to a Seoul official.

They also agreed to cooperate to facilitate the Korea peace process. (Yonhap)
