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S. Korea to support 'logistical hub' campaign of Laos

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Tuesday his country will help Laos achieve its goal of becoming a "transportation and logistical hub" in the region.

He made the commitment in bilateral talks with Laotian Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith in Busan, some 450 kilometers southeast of Seoul. The prime minister was on a visit to the port city for the ASEAN-Republic of Korea special summit to mark the 30th anniversary of their dialogue relationship.


They had a broad range of discussions on how to promote cooperation between the two countries, especially in promoting connectivity and strengthening partnerships in education, according to Cheong Wa Dae.

Moon told the prime minister that Seoul will "actively cooperate" in the Mekong country's efforts to emerge as a regional transportation and logistical hub, it said.

Thongloun said expectations are high for South Korea's role in the development of the Mekong region.

"He expressed hope for the continued development of new cooperation fields linked with the New Southern Policy (of South

Korea) and the Laotian government's national development strategy,"

Cheong Wa Dae said.

He added that his one-on-one summit with Moon, the second in less than three months, would serve as a chance for further strengthening the foundation of bilateral cooperation ahead of the 25th anniversary of re-establishing their diplomatic relations in 2020.

Moon visited Laos in early September, where he announced a "South Korea-Mekong cooperation vision."

The inaugural Mekong-Republic of Korea Summit is scheduled to open here Wednesday, also involving the leaders of Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. (Yonhap)
