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Kim Kyung-ho to wed Japanese in November

Kim Kyung-ho
Kim Kyung-ho
Rock vocalist Kim Kyung-ho, 43, will marry next month a Japanese businesswoman 13 years his junior, according to multiple news reports Wednesday.

Kim met the bride-to-be through a friend back in 2011 and their new home will be in Seoul, the reports said.

The singer has been open about their relationship.

“She is much younger than me, but always considerate. She understands that I can’t spend enough time with her due to my schedule as a singer,” Kim said to the press last year.

The singer made his debut in 1994 and has become one of the most famous rock musicians in Korea, with hit songs including “Aria of the Sad Soul (For Elise),” “People Who Make Me Sorrow,” “Forbidden Love,” “Wine” and “Sacrifice.”

Kim released his 10th album, “Coexistence ― part 01 ― sunset,” last year.

By Park Gyu-oh (