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Violinist Lee to perform 3 sonatas

Violinist Lee Sung-ju
Violinist Lee Sung-ju
Violinist Lee Sung-ju will present violin sonatas of Beethoven, Strauss and Franck in a recital at the IBK Chamber Hall of Seoul Arts Center on Dec. 17.

Together with her longtime musical partner Oliver Kern on piano, the professor of the Korea National University of Arts will present a full program that cuts across classical, romantic and contemporary string repertoires. The concert will open with Beethoven’s violin sonata “Kreutzer” and conclude with a Strauss work, Violin Sonata in E-flat, Op.18.

It is the eighth and last in a series of recitals organized by the country’s most prestigious concert hall under “SAC Classic Star Series.” Ticket costs 20,000 won to 50,000 won. For details, call (02) 580-1300.

By Lee Sun-young (