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Moon’s Blue Sky proposal also supports Paris Accord efforts: Environment Minister

NEW YORK – The idea of designating an International Day for Blue Sky is aimed at facilitating international cooperation on air pollution, and bringing forward a low-carbon era, Seoul’s Environment Minister Cho Myung-rae said Tuesday.

Environment Minister Cho Myung-rae. Yonhap
Environment Minister Cho Myung-rae. Yonhap
The proposal for the International Day for Blue Sky was made by President Moon Jae-in at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York on Monday.

Saying international cooperation was critical to fighting climate change and air pollution, Cho said that Moon’s proposal was designed to facilitate cooperation on the international stage.

“As a significant amount of air pollutants and greenhouse gases come from the same sources, international cooperation for improving air quality will renew the resolve to implement the Paris Accord, and facilitate the move towards a low-carbon era,” Cho said.

Regarding Moon’s pledge to double South Korea’s contribution to the Green Climate Fund, Cho said that the move would aid developing nations to do their part in fighting climate change.

South Korea contributed $100 million to the GCF between 2015 and 2018.

“To respond to climate change, developing nations must actively participate, but most developing nations lack finances and technology for (carbon) emission reduction,” Cho said.

“Korea, as the host of the GCF and a member of the board, will now be able to fulfill its responsibilities to the international society and support developing nations’ climate action.”

By Choi He-suk Korea Herald correspondent (