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S. Korean diplomat elected vice chair of UN body for climate change accord implementation

A South Korean diplomat has been elected as the vice chair of a UN body handling implementation issues related to an international climate change accord, Seoul's foreign ministry said Tuesday.

Yoo Yeon-chul, newly elected Vice Chair of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. (Yonhap)
Yoo Yeon-chul, newly elected Vice Chair of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. (Yonhap)

On Monday, Yoo Yeon-chul, Seoul's ambassador for climate change, took the vice chairmanship of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. His term lasts for two years.

It is the first time that a South Korean official has taken a top SBI post.

Yoo's election reflects Seoul's commitment to addressing climate change, a ministry official said.

South Korea has set an ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 37 percent from business-as-usual levels by 2030. (Yonhap)
