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Korean Red Cross delivers 2,144 hygiene kits for victims of Laos dam collapse

Korean Red Cross said Tuesday it sent an additional 2,144 hygiene kits for those affected by a dam collapse that occurred in late July in Laos.

The relief goods are to be delivered by Korean Air to Danang, Vietnam. From there, they will be transported on land to the site of the incident by the Lao Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross in Laos, the Korean organization said.

Hygiene kits prepared by the Korean Red Cross (Korean Red Cross)
Hygiene kits prepared by the Korean Red Cross (Korean Red Cross)

The kits include detergents for washing and laundry, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, sanitary pads, toilet paper and towels.

After a hydroelectric dam in Laos collapsed on July 23, the Korean Red Cross provided the Lao Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross with 100 million won ($90,000) as an emergency relief fund, and delivered 866 hygiene kits to victims in Laos.

The Korean Red Cross said it had also raised about 500 million won by the end of August, and will deliver the donations to support the victims and restoration work in Laos.

The collapse forced some 7,000 people to flee their homes at the time. As of Tuesday, the death toll from appears to be over 30, while scores are still reported missing.

With support from Samsung Electronics and Community Chest of Korea, the Korean Red Cross has reserved relief supplies to react to disasters occurring outside of Korea. To Korean Red Cross, Samsung Electronics also provides annual funding of 500 million won for rescue operations in and outside of Korea, the organization said.

By Jo He-rim (