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[Advertorial] Eximbank hosts meeting of inter-Korean advisory committee

The Export-Import Bank of Korea held a meeting of its advisory committee on inter-Korean exchanges on Wednesday, the agency said, to discuss the outcome of the recent US-North Korea summit in Hanoi.

A panel of eight experts gathered to discuss how the summit last month -- which ended without an agreement -- would affect inter-Korean economic cooperation as well as other matters surrounding the Korean Peninsula. Wednesday’s meeting was the 10th of its kind. 

Export-Import Bank of Korea Chairman Eun Sung-soo, fourth from right, and members of an advisory committee on economic exchanges between the two Koreas speak during a meeting at the state-run bank’s headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul, Tuesday. Eximbank
Export-Import Bank of Korea Chairman Eun Sung-soo, fourth from right, and members of an advisory committee on economic exchanges between the two Koreas speak during a meeting at the state-run bank’s headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul, Tuesday. Eximbank

Eximbank Chairman Eun Sung-soo was also present at the meeting.

Overall, the analysts at the meeting projected a hopeful outlook for inter-Korean cooperation, stressing Eximbank’s role in preparing for the potential future alleviation of sanctions.

“Though the US and North Korea failed to reach an agreement at the latest summit, they were able to reaffirm each other’s stances surrounding denuclearization,” said Koh Yu-hwan, a professor of North Korean Studies at Dongguk University who presided as panel chairman.

“As a key agency in inter-Korean cooperation, Eximbank must prepare for the possible lifting of sanctions and its long-term aftermath,” Hanyang University professor Zang Hyoung-soo said.