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[Photo] S. Korean entertainers post photos to encourage voting

S. Korean singer Eom Jung-hwa poses in front of a polling station in Seoul. (Twitter)
S. Korean singer Eom Jung-hwa poses in front of a polling station in Seoul. (Twitter)

Singer Yuri and Seohyun, members of Korean idol group Girl`s Generation, pose in front of a polling station in Seoul. (SM Entertainment)
Singer Yuri and Seohyun, members of Korean idol group Girl`s Generation, pose in front of a polling station in Seoul. (SM Entertainment)

S. Korean singer Lee Hyo-ri poses in front of a presidential election polling place in Seoul. (Twitter)
S. Korean singer Lee Hyo-ri poses in front of a presidential election polling place in Seoul. (Twitter)

Korean entertainers are posting photos of themselves in front of presidential election polling stations on their Twitter accounts to certify they have cast a vote, while at the same time encouraging fans to participate in one of the most important national events in five years.

S. Korean entertainer couple Haha and Byul pose in front of a polling place in Seoul. (Twitter)
S. Korean entertainer couple Haha and Byul pose in front of a polling place in Seoul. (Twitter)

S. Korean entertainer Yoon Jong-shin poses in front of a polling place in Seoul. (Twitter)
S. Korean entertainer Yoon Jong-shin poses in front of a polling place in Seoul. (Twitter)

Singer Yang Yo-seop, a member of Korean idol group
Singer Yang Yo-seop, a member of Korean idol group "Beast," poses in front of a polling station in Seoul. (Twitter)

The voting for South Korea’s next president began on Wednesday at 6 a.m., and the voter turnout was tallied at 52.6 percent after eight hours since the polls opened amid freezing temperatures, the National Election Commission said.

S. Korean sports reporter Choi Hee poses in front of the 18th presidential election polling place.
S. Korean sports reporter Choi Hee poses in front of the 18th presidential election polling place.

Singer Kim Hee-cheol, a member of Korean idol group Super Junior, and singer Son Dam-bi pose in front of a polling station in Seoul. (Twitter)
Singer Kim Hee-cheol, a member of Korean idol group Super Junior, and singer Son Dam-bi pose in front of a polling station in Seoul. (Twitter)

The polls are scheduled to close at 6 p.m.

By Yoon Sung-won, Intern Reporter

<관련 한글 기사>

스타들, 인증샷 릴레이 “투표하세요”

스타들이 줄지어 대선 투표 인증샷을 트위터에 올리며 팬들의 투표를 독려하고 나섰다.

제18대 대선 투표는 수요일 오전 6시에 시작됐으며 투표 시작 3시간 후인 오전 9시에는 투표율이 11.6퍼센트를 기록해 추운 날씨에도 불구하고 이전 선거에 비해 높은 참여율을 기록하고 있다고 선거관리위원회가 밝혔다.

투표는 이날 오후 6시를 기점으로 마감된다.

윤성원 인턴기자 / 코리아헤럴드