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Psy knocks rumors on overseas gigs

On Oct. 31, concert promoter Rajawali Indonesia distributed a press release claiming that Indonesian fans would have the opportunity to witness Psy performing his trademark horse dance live in Jakarta on Nov. 25. The announcement was then publicized by numerous media outlets in the Southeast Asian country.

However, on Wednesday Psy posted a tweet stating: “i love my fans. i dont like when people lie to them. Im sorry Indonesia and Norway but the promoter saying I have a show there is a lie.”

Anas Syahrul Alimi, the CEO of Rajawali Indonesia, sent out a press statement claiming that nothing was ever confirmed regarding Psy’s performance in Indonesia and that they had never made an official announcement. She said that the media published news of Psy’s visit “based on information included in the press conference invitation and not on an official announcement from Rajawali Indonesia.”

Although Psy denied the rumors of his performances, he later added in his tweets, “but i will come to those countries and do a show. it will be great. we will have fun. you will love me.”

By Julie Jackson (