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Bollywood singer's daughter commits suicide

From left to right: Indian singer and performer Himesh Reshmmiya, Indian actress Ayesha Takia, Pakistani pop singer Atif Aslam, Indian playback singer Asha Bhosle, Bangladeshi Singer Runa Laila and Pakistani Sufi Singer Abida Parveen pose during a media event for the television musical show
From left to right: Indian singer and performer Himesh Reshmmiya, Indian actress Ayesha Takia, Pakistani pop singer Atif Aslam, Indian playback singer Asha Bhosle, Bangladeshi Singer Runa Laila and Pakistani Sufi Singer Abida Parveen pose during a media event for the television musical show "Sur-Kshetra". (AFP)

Police say the daughter of a popular Hindi film singer has died from a gunshot wound in an apparent suicide in Mumbai.

Commissioner Krishna Prakash said police were investigating the death of Varsha, daughter of Bollywood's most prolific singer, Asha Bhosle. 

Bhosle was away in Singapore for a regional film award ceremony when the shooting occurred.

Friends and relatives who attended Varsha's cremation early Tuesday said she had been suffering from depression for several years.

Asha Bhosle began her career in 1943 as a playback singer pre-recording songs so Bollywood actors could lip sync to them in their films. She has sung more than 12,000 songs in her seven-decade career.

In 2011, the Guinness Book of World Records named Bhosle the world's most recorded musical artist. (AP)

<관련 한글 기사>

충격! 유명 가수의 딸, 스스로 목숨 끊어

인도 영화계 (볼리우드) 에서 명성을 떨치고 있는 가수 아샤 보슬레의 딸이 스스로 목숨을 끊었다고 AP통신이 보도했다.

현지 경찰은 볼리우드에서 가장 왕성한 활발을 하고 있는 보슬레의 딸 바르샤의 죽음을 조사하고 있다고 최근 밝혔다. 그녀는 뭄바이에서 총을 이용해 자살했는데, 사건이 일어날 당시 보슬레는 시상식에 참여하기 위해 싱가포르에 가 있었다고 한다.

바르샤는 9일 (현지시간) 화장되었는데, 친구들과 친척들에 따르면 그녀가 사망하기 전 몇 년동안 우울증으로 괴로워했다고 한다.

아샤 보슬레는 1933년생으로 1943년에 가수 경력을 시작했는데 70년 경력동안 무려 1만2천 곡에 해당하는 작품들을 남겼다.

기네스 북에 따르면 그녀는 세계에서 가장 많은 곡을 녹음한 가수라고 한다.

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