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[Photo News] Red crabs preparing for winter

Every year, millions of red crabs migrate from the forest toward the ocean to mate in preparation for winter.

On Australia’s Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean, red crab migration season has already begun, as can be seen from the streets literally covered in crabs.

A female crab can produce up to 100,000 eggs, and in some areas there can be up to 100 crabs per square meter of beach or rock. 

Migration usually begins after the first rainfall. According to the Parks Australia website, “The exact timing and speed of the migration is determined by the phase of the moon. Red crabs always spawn before dawn on a receding high-tide during the last quarter of the moon. Incredibly, they know exactly when to leave their burrows to make this lunar date.” 

As this is an annual event on Christmas Island, many signs are set up to ensure the safety of both the crabs and locals during migration season.

(Photos: Reuters)

By Ko Yoon-hee (