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Intangible Cultural Heritage holder Ahn Sook-sun to perform ‘Chunhyangga’ pansori

Pansori singer Ahn Sook-sun (left) performs
Pansori singer Ahn Sook-sun (left) performs "Chunhyangga." (National Theater of Korea)

Celebrated gugak musician Ahn Sook-sun is scheduled to perform pansori “Chunhyangga” at the National Theater of Korea, in Jung-gu, central Seoul, Dec. 31.

The best-known pansori “Chunhyangga” tells a love tale between Chun-hyang, daughter of a courtesan, and Yi Mong-ryong, son of a magistrate.

Ahn and four other pansori singers will perform the entire "Chunhyangga," which will take about 210 minutes.

Coming on stage as the third pansori singer, Ahn will perform the part where Chun-hyang and Yi Mong-ryong are parted.

This is the first entire performance of “Chunhyangga” that Ahn will take part in since the veteran singer was recognized as the National Intangible Heritage holder of “Chunhyangga” pansori by the Cultural Heritage Administration in September.

Ahn has set a record of more than 30 appearances at the theater, and is the only singer to have performed all five surviving pansori madang, or sets -- "Simcheongga," "Heungbuga," "Sugungga," "Jeokbyeokga" and "Chunhyangga" -- in full performance at the NTK. The singer has been performing at the year-end pansori concert with the theater since 2010.

This year, Ahn will perform Manjeong-style “Chunhyangga” which was remade and taught by Kim So-hui, Ahn’s mentor. Kim’s version of the pansori is recognized for depicting the situation of Chun-hyang in a more tragic manner, according to the National Changguek Company of Korea.

By Hwang Dong-hee (