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[팟캐스트] (490) 군 브로커를 통해 새로운 병역 기피 방법을 찾는 사람들 / 역대급 영업이익에도 은행이 직원 수를 줄이는 이유는?

진행자: 간형우 / Beth Eunhee Hong
1. Military dodgers seek new ways by using local military brokers
기사 요약: 군 브로커를 통해 새로운 병역 기피 방법을 찾는 사람들
[1] South Korean men seek new options to avoid their two-year mandatory military service, and the number of draft dodgers continues to grow.
*avoid: 피하다, 방지하다
의무적인, 법에 정해진
초안, 징병
*dodger: 기피자
[2] According to data provided by Rep. Song Gab-seok of the Democratic Party received from the Military Manpower Administration, 578 people were turned over to prosecution for intentional draft dodging from 2012 until Nov. 30 last year.
*prosecution: 검찰, 기소
*intentional: 의도적인
[3] Recently, volleyball player Jo Jae-sung was charged with contacting a local military broker to help him show false symptoms of epilepsy during a military reexamination.
*epilepsy: 간질, 뇌전증
[4] He was then deemed unfit to serve as a soldier due to this fake health issue, allowing him to serve as a social service agent as an alternative form of service.
*deemed: ~로 여겨지다
*unfit: 부적합한
2. Why are banks cutting staff amid record profits?
기사 요약: 역대급 영업이익에도 은행이 직원 수를 줄이는 이유는?
[1] The notion that South Korea’s banking sector guarantees “lifetime” job security is becoming a thing of the past.
*notion: 생각, 경향
*guarantee: 보장하다
[2] All four top commercial banks -- Shinhan Bank, KB Kookmin Bank, Woori Bank and Hana Bank -- are in process of conducting voluntary retirement schemes, with aims to shed some 3,000 workers combined by the end of this month.

버리다, 없애다, 비추다
[3] Up to 500 million won ($398,000) is being offered as lump-sum severance pay, while relatively younger employees in their 40s are allowed to apply for the redundancy program.
*lump-sum: 일시불 
*severance pay:
*redundancy program: 명예퇴직 제도, 재취업 도움 제도
[4] Employees born between 1968 and 1970 are offered up to 36 months of average salary, along with other benefits like tuition fees for children and medical expenses. Those born after 1971 can receive up to 24 months of average salary as severance pay.
*benefit: 혜택, 이득
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