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Cellist Maisky to perform at Gangnam club

Challenging old, conventional ideas about classical music, world-renowned cellist Mischa Maisky will attempt to communicate with the younger generation by performing at a club in Gangnam, southern Seoul, on Thursday. The 64-year-old star artist will play a classical repertoire at Ellui Seoul, a club in southern Seoul.

The event is a part of the Yellow Lounge series designed by Universal Music as a way to promote classical music to a young audience less interested in the centuries-old musical genre.
Mischa Maisky. (Universal Music)
Mischa Maisky. (Universal Music)

Under the title “Maisky Goes to the Club,” the cellist will perform for 40 minutes before and after DJs spin club music with people standing on the floor. He is likely to perform Bach Cello Suite No.1 and other pieces from his latest album “Espana,” according to reports.

Maisky is currently in Seoul to collaborate with two Korean orchestras ― Absolute Classic Festival Orchestra led by his former student Chang Han-na on Saturday and the Suwon Philharmonic Orchestra led by Kim Dae-jin on Friday.

Maisky has kept a close relationship with cellist and conductor Chang for nearly 20 years. The Russia-born artist started to offer private lessons for the then 10-year-old Chang, after he discovered an extraordinary musical talent in the youngster. A year later, Chang won the prestigious Rostropovich International Cello Competition at age 11.

With Chang this weekend at Seongnam Art Center, Maisky is scheduled to perform Richard Strauss’ “Don Quixote” Op. 35, known to be one of his favorites.

By Cho Chung-un (