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'철도비리' 송광호 의원 항소심도 징역 4년

철도부품업체로부터 청탁과 함께 금품을 받은 혐의로 기소된 새누리당 송광호(73) 의원이 항소심에서도 징역 4년을 선고받았다.

서울고법 형사4(최재형 부장판사) 24 "금품공여자의 진술에 신빙성이 있어 공소사실이 모두 유죄로 인정된다" 의원의 항소를 기각했다.
의원은 1심에서 징역 4년과 벌금 7천만원, 추징금 6500만원을 선고받고 정구속됐다.
의원은 철도부품업체 AVT 대표로부터 2012 4월부터 지난해 5월까지 11차례 걸쳐 6500만원을 받은 혐의(특정범죄가중처벌법상 뇌물) 불구속 기소됐다. (연합)

<관련 영문 기사>

Ruling party lawmaker convicted of bribery

An appeals court Friday convicted a ruling party lawmaker of taking bribes from a railway parts supplier in exchange for business favors.

Upholding a lower court ruling, the Seoul High Court handed down a four-year jail term and a fine of 70 million won ($59,962) to Rep. Song Kwang-ho of the Saenuri Party and ordered him to pay 65 million won in restitution for the crime.

Song was indicted in September on charges of taking 65 million won in kickbacks from the head of the local railway parts supplier AVT on 11 occasions between April 2012 and May last year.

Song was accused of doing various favors for AVT such as holding several meetings with the board of directors of the Korea Rail Network Authority and presenting his opinions to a vice minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

"The AVT head's testimony that he gave money to Song is credible and consistent with objective evidence," Judge Choi Jae-hyeong said.

He would be stripped of his parliamentary seat if the sentence is confirmed by the Supreme Court. (Yonhap)
