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US, EU clear Google's $12.5B Motorola Mobility bid

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ Google's $12.5 billion bid to buy cellphone maker Motorola Mobility has won approvals from U.S. and European antitrust regulators, moving Google a major step closer to completing the biggest deal in its 13-year history.

Monday's blessings mean Google Inc. just needs to clear regulatory hurdles in China, Taiwan and Israel before it can take control of Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. and expand into manufacturing phones, tablet computers and other consumer devices for the first time.

Getting government approval in China looms as the biggest stumbling block remaining. Google's relationship with China's ruling party has been on shaky ground since the company blamed hackers in that country for breaking into its computers two years ago. The breach prompted Google to move its Internet search engine from mainland China in protest of laws requiring some results to be censored.

Google prizes Motorola Mobility's more than 17,000 patents _ a crucial weapon in an intellectual arms race with Apple, Microsoft and other rivals maneuvering to gain more control over smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Google announced the deal six months ago.

The deal will ``enhance competition and offer consumers faster innovation, greater choice and wonderful user experiences,'' Don Harrison, Google's deputy general counsel wrote in a blog post.

Besides signing off on the Motorola Mobility deal, the Justice Department also approved two other moves in the mobile patent battles. The approvals cover the $4.5 billion purchase of Nortel Networks patents by a group including Apple, Microsoft and BlackBerry maker Research in Motion Ltd. and a separate Apple acquisition of Novell Inc. patents.

The Justice Department ended its investigations after concluding the new patent owners won't try to drive up the prices of competing mobile devices by demanding exorbitant licensing fees. The agency said it was particularly concerned about key patents held by Motorola Mobility and Nortel.

Apple Inc. and Microsoft promised to license the Nortel patents on reasonable terms while Google's commitments on the Motorola Mobility patents were ``more ambiguous,'' according to a statement from the Justice Department's antitrust division.

Nevertheless, the Justice Department didn't find any evidence that Google's ownership of Motorola Mobility would lessen competition in a mobile device market that is becoming increasingly important as more people connect to the Internet on smartphones and tablet computers instead of desktop and laptop computers.

In granting its approval, the European Union also raised concerns about Motorola's aggressive enforcement of its patents. EU Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said regulators will ``keep a close eye on the behavior of all market players in the sector, particularly the increasingly strategic use of patents.''

In its statement, the Justice Department also vowed to crack down on any sign that mobile patents are being used to throttle competition. Microsoft said it was encouraged by the regulatory commitments.

Other key concerns centered on Google's Android operating system, free software that now powers more than 250 million mobile devices made by a variety of manufacturers, including Motorola Mobility. Competition could be hurt if Google gives Motorola Mobility the most advanced versions of Android or withholds the mobile software from other cellphone makers.

Google, though, has pledged to make Android available to all its mobile partners. Even if Google were to discriminate, cellphone makers still could rely on mobile software from Microsoft Corp., Research in Motion and Hewlett-Packard Co., among others.

The European regulators see no danger that Google will prevent other device makers from using its popular Android operating system after the takeover.

``Android helps to drive the spread of Google's other services,'' the Commission said. ``Given that Google's core business model is to push its online and mobile services and software to the widest possible audience, it is unlikely that Google would restrict the use of Android solely to Motorola,'' which only has a small market share in Europe.

The government reviews in U.S. and Europe have come as regulators also have been conducting a broader inquiry into whether Google has been abusing its dominance in Internet search to hobble its rivals. Those investigations are still ongoing.

Assuming Google eventually takes over Motorola Mobility, the union will open new opportunities and pose potentially troublesome challenges for a management team that so far has concentrated on Internet search, ad sales and other software-driven online services.

Motorola Mobility's expertise in mobile devices and set-top boxes for cable TV will allow Google to play an even more influential role in shaping the future of hand-held computing and home entertainment. Even as it navigates the regulatory gauntlet, Google has begun testing a device for connecting electronic components within homes, according to a filing with the Federal Communications Commission.

Absorbing Motorola Mobility also threatens to crimp Google's earnings growth and drag down its stock price. That's because Motorola Mobility has been struggling on its own as Apple's iPhone and other smartphones made by rivals such as Samsung Electronics undercut sales of its products.

Google is making a huge bet that Motorola Mobility can do better. The $12.5 billion price is more than the combined amount that Google has paid for the 185 other acquisitions that it has completed since going public in 2004.

Google's stock rose $6.29, or 1 percent, to close Monday at $612.20. Motorola Mobility's gained 18 cents to $39.63, just below the proposed sale price of $40 per share. Google is based in Mountain View, California, while Motorola Mobility has its headquarters in Libertyville, Illinois. (AP)


<한글 기사>

美-EU, 구글의 모토로라 인수 승인

미국과 유럽연합(EU)이 127억 달러 규모인 구글의 모토로라 모바일 인수를 승인했다.

미 법무부와 EU 집행위는 13일(현지시간) 구글의 모토로라 모바일 인수를 승인하면서 그러나 구글이 이번 인수로 확보하는 스마트폰 관련 1만7천건의 특허와 7천5 00건의 출원 특허를 앞으로 어떻게 경쟁사에 적용할지를 "예의 주시할 것"이라고 강 조했다.

이로써 구글은 휴대전화, 태블릿 컴퓨터 및 궁극적으로 다른 가전제품도 생산할 수 있는 확고한 기반을 확보한 것으로 평가된다.

집행위는 인수 승인에 앞서 삼성전자와 대만 스마트폰 메이커인 HTC가 구글이 개발한 안드로이드 시스템을 사용하는데 어려움이 가중될지를 집중 검토한 것으로 전해졌다.

미 법무부도 6개월간의 검토 끝에 구글의 모토로라 모바일 인수가 모바일기기 시장 경쟁을 심각하게 저해하지 않는다는 판단에 도달했다고 밝혔다.

구글은 이제 중국, 대만 및 이스라엘 당국의 승인을 남겨두게 됐다.

중국은 내달 20일 이전에 구글의 모토로라 모바일 인수 승인 여부를 결정해야 한다.

구글은 앞서 노르텔의 특허를 확보하려고 했으나 실패했다.

노르텔은 대신 애플이 주도하고 리서치 인 모션, 마이크로소프트, EMC, 소니 및 에릭슨이 포함된 컨소시엄에 45억달러에 매각됐다.

미 법무부는 13일 이 건도 승인했다.

노르텔은 6천건의 특허와 출원 특허를 보유하고 있다.

구글은 모바일시장 특허와 관련해 오라클로부터 60억달러의 소송에 걸려있다.
