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Stage collapses before Radiohead concert; 1 dead

Toronto (AP) -- A massive stage collapse hours before a Radiohead concert was to begin Saturday left one person dead and three others injured, officials said.

Emergency Medical Services deputy commander David Viljakainen said a man who was trapped under the rubble was pronounced dead at the scene. Officials said he was in his mid-30s.

A 45-year-old man was hospitalized with a head injury and two others were treated at the scene for minor injuries at the Downsview Park venue, said Viljakainen.

The venue said on its website that the sold-out concert was canceled.

Fire Services Platoon Chief Tony Bellavance said officials were alerted to a person trapped under the rubble and crews assisted in extracting the victim. ``It was a crushing injury that killed the man,'' he said.

Police spokesman Tony Vella said crew were setting up the stage when it collapsed.

``They were setting up when the top portion collapsed on top of them. Unfortunatly, four people were hurt. The remainder of the people, when they heard the stage coming down, ran from the area,'' Vella said.

Dusty Lalas, an employee with Toronto Radio Station ``The Edge,'' which was sponsoring the concert, said the structure suddenly caved in.

``There was a loud crash and it sounded like sheet metal and lightning and we just saw the stage collapse,'' Lalas said.

Radiohead tweeted that ``due to unforeseen circumstances tonight's concert at downsview park tonight has been canceled. Fans are advised not to make their way to the venue.''

Radiohead's website had listed the concert as being sold out, with 40,000 tickets sold.

Jaime Rivest, 33, said at around 4 p.m. the stage suddenly came down, crumpling and falling onto itself.

``It was like a tornado hit the stage and in just moments the stage came down with metal everywhere,'' she said.

<관련 한글 기사>

라디오헤드 무대 붕괴, 크루 멤버 사망!

캐나다 몬트리올에서 영국 록밴드 라디오헤드의 캐나다 공연을 위해 설치된 대형 무대가 붕괴돼 1명이 숨지고 3명이 부상했다.

목격자들은 토론토 다운스뷰 공원의 야외무대에서 오후 9시로 예정된 라디오헤드의 공연을 앞두고 관계자들이 작업을 하던 중 오후 4시께 무대 지붕이 무너졌다고 밝혔다.

이 사고로 스태프(crew member)중 스콧 존슨 (33) 씨가  중상을 입고 병원으로 옮겨졌으나 숨졌고 45세의 남성은 뇌부위 부상으로 병원에 이송됐으며 2명은 가벼운 상처로 현장에서 치료를 받았다.

밴드는 홈페이지에 '우리의 친구이자 동료인 스콧 존슨의 죽음을 애도한다'라는 글을 남겼다.

라디오헤드의 홈페이지에 따르면 4만여장에 이르는 이 공연의 티켓은 매진됐으나 이 사고로 인해 공연은 취소됐다. (연합뉴스)
