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Carl Vinson Strike Group's dispatch illustrates US seriousness about NK threats: US lawmaker

WASHINGTON -- The US dispatch of an aircraft carrier strike group to waters off the Korean Peninsula is a warning to North Korea that the US takes seriously threats from the communist nation, a US congressman said Tuesday.

The US Pacific Command has redirected the strike group led by aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson to head toward the Korean Peninsula, rather than executing previously planned port visits to Australia, amid heightened concern the North could undertake additional provocations.


"We've got a fleet out there to show the strength of the United States. This is a new president. This is a new narrative coming out of America that you can't go around flaunting nuclear power that you're going to destroy America, you're going to destroy South Korea, you're going to put Japan at risk," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) said on CNN.

"If you're working to destabilize the world like that, something has to be done. And when there are direct threats at us, the 23 million people 30 miles south of the DMZ in South Korea or 28,000 troops in South Korea, I think we should show that we have force and we're serious about what we do," he said.

Tensions are running high on the Korean Peninsula amid speculation that North Korea may conduct its sixth nuclear test or carry out a threatened test of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the US around its key anniversaries in April. (Yonhap)
