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Canada, Korea to collaborate in science, technology and innovation

The governments of Canada and Korea signed an agreement last week to lay the ground for bilateral cooperation in science, technology and innovation.

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul on Dec. 20, Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and Canadian Ambassador to Korea Eric Walsh inked the Science, Technology and Innovation Agreement, which builds on head of state visits in 2014.

The accord sets in motion an institutional framework for civilian activities of common interest, mutual benefit and equal partnership, covering aviation and space, the environment, energy and clean technology, life sciences, medical devices and information and communications technology, according to a joint press release from the governments. 

Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se (right) and Canadian Ambassador to Korea Eric Walsh pose after signing the Science, Technology and Innovation Agreement at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul on Dec. 20. (Yonhap Photo)
Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se (right) and Canadian Ambassador to Korea Eric Walsh pose after signing the Science, Technology and Innovation Agreement at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul on Dec. 20. (Yonhap Photo)

It elaborates on plans for commercially viable research and development, commercialization of technologies, incubation of startups and other collaborative endeavors. Furthermore, the two sides will share experiences and know-how on innovation policies and programs.

The Korean Ministry of Science, Information Communications Technology and Future Planning and Global Affairs Canada will establish a Joint Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation, which will hold its first meeting next year to create a platform and action plan for devised activities.

By Joel Lee (
