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Nabeghlavi, Georgian mineral water comes to Korea

Georgia’s naturally carbonated mineral water, Nabeghlavi, will be available in Korea in the foreseeable future thanks to concerted efforts by the Georgian Embassy in Seoul. The diplomatic mission has strived to strengthen bilateral ties on various fronts between the two countries since opening its office in August 2011.

Nabeghlavi, renowned for its unique taste and healthy properties, is a competitive national mineral water brand in the mountainous Caucasus country. Bottling of the Nabeghlavi water started in 1958, following the creation of a resort town in the ecologically pristine village of Nabeghlavi in western Georgia.

The water is managed and packaged through a Georgian-Swiss joint stock company Healthy Water. The water quality is controlled by a Swiss laboratory Labor Veritas. 

“Renowned for helping treat various stomach and intestinal ailments, the water has a complex combination of minerals that are used in both medical activities and everyday consumption,” Georgian Ambassador Nikoloz Apkhazava told The Korea Herald last week.

Choi Kyung-hwan, chief executive officer of Premium Water International, which imports Nabeghlavi and is currently negotiating agreements with major distribution outlets, said he decided to introduce the mineral water to Korea following his trips to Europe.

“Georgia is known to be one of the cleanest countries in the world with crystal-clear water,” Choi told The Korea Herald. “Another mineral water company ‘Borjomi’ is a top brand in Georgia, but Nabeghlavi has put much investment into modernizing factories and marketing. The taste of Nabeghlavi is also suitable to Koreans.”

The water was offered at a fashion show it sponsored at Wakerhill Hotel in Seoul on Nov. 16. It is sold in 500 milliliters and 200 milliliters bottles and will be available across department stores, bars and restaurant soon. Those interested in individually purchasing Nabeghlavi can call (02) 730-1319 or email at

By Joel Lee (
