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Colombia, a land of opportunity

By Colombian Ambassador Tito Saul Pinilla

After more than 50 years of struggle to end an armed conflict with guerilla group the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia, peace has been ushered in to Colombia, which now stands at a momentous juncture with newfound optimism.

The government of President Juan Manuel Santos has stamped a definite end to the violent warfare through negotiations and signing of a cease-fire with the insurgency group in Havana, Cuba on June 23.

Even though the peace deal is not a panacea to all our problems, it has played an invaluable role in bringing forth our long-cherished dreams: security, stability, prosperity, predictability and equity, with opportunities for fair and balanced development. Colombia can now redirect its course and move toward a bright future.

In this context, the contribution of our brotherly allies -- chiefly the Republic of Korea -- is crucial.

Korea has undergone a successful transformation through reconstruction, development and democratization following the Korean War (1950-53), where thousands of Colombians fought and hundreds lost their lives as part of the United Nations Forces.

Korea’s experience is highly valuable to Colombia, which has as much ambition and talent as Korea. As the world’s 11th-largest economy, Korea has the capacity to deepen and strengthen financial, trade and investment links with Colombia, since the bilateral free trade agreement came into force in mid-July.

With better security, Colombia has become a land of opportunity, a propitious place for foreign investors and entrepreneurs. Our economy has maintained steady growth of over 4 percent annually over the last decade, and is expected to double in size every nine years.

Our gross domestic product per capita, currently at $6,800, could reach $12,000 in less than a decade, and foreign direct investment is expected to top nearly $36 billion during the same period, up from $12 billion last year.

As Colombia renews its engagement with the Asia-Pacific, Korea’s help becomes vital across all areas, including diplomacy, trade and investment, education and tourism.

The war is over. Colombians are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. A new Colombia is on the rise with credible peace and security. Our once distant dreams are turning into tangible realities.

Edited by Joel Lee (