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Dokdo Research Institute works to raise youth awareness

Japan’s claims over the Dokdo Islets in the East Sea have long created tension with South Korea, but this has not stopped researchers here from collecting relevant data about the disputed islets.

Hong Seong-Kun, director of Dokdo Research Institute at Northeast Asian History Foundation, told the Korea Herald he has been working to spread awareness about the islets, especially among young people.

“It’s important for us to think of ways on how to say ‘Dokdo Islets are Korea’s,’ as Japan continues to make claims that the Dokdo Islets are theirs,” Hong said.

One of the key tasks of the DRI is to research and collect information about the islets that can be incorporated into children’s education.

“We are looking into putting information about the Dokdo Islets in history textbooks that children learn from,” Hong said, adding he hopes to expand knowledge of the islets internationally.

“My future plan is to go on with the research we have done and spread it worldwide.”

His organization also opened the Dokdo Museum in Seoul in 2012.
Students pose for a photo while participating in a ceremony launching a campaign protecting Dokdo at Northeast Asian History Foundation in Seoul in April. (Yonhap)
Students pose for a photo while participating in a ceremony launching a campaign protecting Dokdo at Northeast Asian History Foundation in Seoul in April. (Yonhap)
“The Dokdo Museum Seoul is a new museum opened by the Northeast Asian History Foundation in response to the Korean people’s desire for the protection of Dokdo’s sovereignty and for the education of youth,” said Hong.  

The Dokdo Museum Seoul offers guided services. It also has a 4-D simulation that allows visitors to experience the ocean physics and ecology of the Dokdo Islets while watching a film called “Dokdo, the Living Heart of the East Sea.” This allows tourists to learn about the islets and the records of it that date back 1,500 years.

The museum also provides a virtual experience on its website, where a cyber exhibition hall, with intricate details, allows visitors to feel as if they are in the museum.

“This represents the excitement and joy of meeting Dokdo, which could have felt distant, right at the Dokdo Museum Seoul,” Hong added. 

For more information, visit

By Seimi Chu (
Intern reporter
