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Korea to send delegation for Peru's presidential inauguration

South Korea's foreign ministry on Sunday said it will send a delegation of ruling party lawmakers for Peru's presidential inauguration slated for later this month on behalf of President Park Geun-hye.

Under the plan, Rep. Yoo Jae-jung of the ruling Saenuri Party, who heads the Security and Public Administration Committee of the parliament, will visit Peru, along with another Saenuri lawmaker, on Thursday to congratulate Pedro Kuczynski on his inauguration as the Latin American country's president.

Yoo is also set to hold meetings with key officials from the new Peruvian administration and discuss ideas on expanding mutual ties.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Peru has been making efforts to learn South Korea's electronic government system, adding the delegation will focus on bolstering such a relationship.

Peru stands as one of the key partners for South Korea in Latin America, especially as the two countries clinched a free trade agreement in 2011, the ministry added. Park also visited the country in April 2015. (Yonhap)