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British Embassy marks 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

The British Embassy in Seoul on Thursday held a dinner gathering to celebrate the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, an event that it seized on to highlight the evolving partnership between the two nations.

The celebratory event brought together some 800 people including South Korea's Culture Minister Kim Jong-deok, Yonhap News Agency CEO Park No-hwang, former Prime Minister Han Seung-soo and Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin.

British Ambassador to Seoul Charles Hay said that Thursday's event was also intended to underscore the two countries' "longstanding" relationship.

"Today, we celebrate another year in the long-standing friendship between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Korea," he said during his congratulatory speech.

"We are particularly proud that this has been the site of the U.K. representation in Korea from the beginning of our 133-year relationship."

Hay also traced the evolution of the bilateral relationship, pointing to growing exchanges in the defense industry, culture and other areas.

"Our cultural relationship also goes from strength to strength. I'm delighted that in 2017 to 18 we will celebrate a year of U.K. culture in Korea and Korean culture in the U.K.," he said.

Touching on next month's referendum on whether Britain would stay in the European Union, he said that regardless of the result, Britain will remain committed to fostering its cooperative partnership with South Korea.

"Whatever the outcome, I know we will want to continue to build on the excellent relationship we have with Korea and the Korean people," he said.(Yonhap)