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Singer Yim Jae-beom hospitalized for appendectomy

Singer Yim Jae-beom hospitalized for appendectomy

Singer Yim Jae-beom was hospitalized Monday afternoon with appendicitis, according to his agent. 

Yim Jae-beom (MBC)
Yim Jae-beom (MBC)

He is also reported to be wearing a cast on his right hand as an examination at the hospital found his right hand had been fractured for years.
Yim has had an appendectomy around 5 p.m. Monday at Seoul Severance Hospital and is recovering.
“The surgery went well. He is in good condition right now,” said his agent. But whether he could continue performing on the reality TV program “I Am a Singer” seems unclear until he consults with doctor.
The rock singer’s popularity had taken off in recent weeks due to his impressive performances on the program.
“We will decide whether to include Yim in the program recording after watching his condition improve,” said the program’s producer Shin Jeong-soo.
Yim, who made his debut in 1986 as the vocalist for Sinawe, garnered fame as a seasoned rocker before he suddenly retired in 2005 after being injured in a bus accident.

By Lee Woo-young (
Edited by Rob York

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