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새정치민주연합 기초공천 ‘국민과 당원 뜻 따를 것’

새정치민주연합은 기초선거 정당공천제 폐지 문제를 국민 여론조사와 당내투표에 붙이고, 결과에 따르겠다고 밝혔다.

김한길, 안철수 공동대표는 이날 국회 당 대표실에서 기자회견을 열고 기초공천 폐지와 정치 개혁에 대한 소신은 변함없지만 이를 둘러싼 여러 의견이 있는 만큼 다시 한번 당내와 국민 여론을 수렴하겠다고 밝혔다.

“국민과 동지들의 뜻을 바탕으로 당내외 다양한 논란에 대해 종지부를 찍고 당 역량을 집중시켜 한길로 나아가고자 한다. 민생을 위한 국민의 바다로 달려가겠다”며 “국민과 당원이 선거 유불리를 떠나 약속을 지키는 정치에 대해 흔쾌히 지지해줄 것을 믿어 의심치 않는다”고 덧붙였다.

구체적 의견 수렴 방식과 관련, 당 지도부는 여론조사와 당원투표를 실시해 50%대 50%으로 반영하는 방안을 검토 중으로, 관리위원회를 통해 이번주 내로 결론을 내기로 했다.

한편 새누리당은 새정치민주연합의 결정을 환영한다면서도 관련 논란을 여당과 정부의 책임으로 돌리지 말라며 비난했다.

새누리당 함진규 대변인은 “무공천만이 새정치의 근본인 것처럼 말해왔고 또 이를 명분으로 합당까지 했던 갈지자 행보에 대한 반성은 없이, 이 상황을 초래한 원인이 마치 청와대와 여당에게 있다는 식으로 말씀하신 것은 유감이다” 라며 무공천 논란의 종결을 촉구했다.

(코리아헤럴드 최희석기자

<관련 영문 기사>

NPAD puts nomination system to vote, opinion poll

The main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy will conduct a survey and a party vote to decide on the candidate nomination system for local elections.

NPAD co-chairmen Reps. Ahn Cheol-soo and Kim Han-gil said Tuesday that they will comply with the results of the survey and the vote in deciding whether to follow through with forgoing nominations in the June 4 local elections. In making the decision, the survey and vote will be given equal weight.

“Various controversies from within and outside the party will be put to an end based on the will of the public and party members,” Ahn said.

While saying that he will comply with the results, Ahn made an appeal for support in abolishing the system.

“Pay heed to the NPAD’s intentions to keep promises. Support the will to innovate politics by overcoming the ills of party nominations.”

Although abolishing the nomination system in local elections was a key political reform pledge of President Park Geun-hye, the ruling Saenuri Party has since backtracked, saying it may be unconstitutional.

In contrast, the opposition party has stuck to the promise despite resistance from some within the party who argue that forgoing nominations on its own would give the ruling party an unfair advantage.

Ahn said that he believed the party members and public were in favor of abolishing the system, that he had not changed his views and that the poll and in-house vote would bring the party together.

“This was deemed to be the surest way to obey the people’s will by concentrating (the party’s) strength and by speaking with one voice,” Ahn said.

“When Cheong Wa Dae told us that a meeting would be difficult, it felt as if those who started a fire were telling villagers to put it out themselves,” Ahn said, referring to the president’s rejection of his proposal to discuss the issue in person.

The NPAD leaders’ announcement was welcomed by the ruling party, which had been under heavy fire from the opposition bloc for going against the election pledge.

The Saenuri Party, however, criticized Ahn and Kim for putting the blame on it and the administration.

“It is regretful that (Ahn) spoke as if the situation was caused by Cheong Wa Dae and the ruling party without any reflection on the zigzagging (involved) in the party merger and saying that forgoing nominations was the foundation of new politics,” Saenuri Party spokesman Rep. Ham Jin-gyu said.

“It is now time to end the nomination controversy that has pushed the voters and the election platform into chaos.”

By Choi He-suk (