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Russia demands Seoul's apology over suspicions Russia provided Pyongyang with missile components

Russia has demanded an apology from South Korea for raising suspicions that key components of North Korea's recently tested rocket are from Russia.

Mikhail Ulyanov, director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's nonproliferation and arms control department, said in a news conference Wednesday that South Korea should present evidence backing up the suspicions or retract them and apologize.

"This statement is irresponsible and unprofessional. One cannot come forward with such accusations without having clear evidence," the official said.

After the North's missile launch on Sunday, officials of South Korea's National Intelligence Service said in a closed-door emergency briefing to the parliamentary intelligence committee that key components of the missile appear to have come from Russia, according to lawmakers.

On Thursday, South Korea's Foreign Ministry said the discussions at the briefing were reported inaccurately.

"Therefore, we hope there are no more unnecessary misunderstandings over the issue, and to add to that, South Korea and Russia are in close consultations over North Korea's nuclear and missile issues," ministry spokesman Cho June-hyuck said during a regular press briefing. (Yonhap)
