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Traveling to Korean islands available at 50% discount rate for those 28 and under

Koreans and foreigners aged 28 and under can travel to the nation’s islands at a discount rate starting June, according to the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Sunday.

In an effort to boost youths’ sea trips the ministry is opening up 77 ocean routes encompassing 51 relevant firms’ 121 ships for 20 percent discount rate during weekends and 50 percent discount rate during weekdays between June and September.

Under this scheme, for example, the original ferry from Gangneung to Ulleungdo Island on a weekday that had cost 122,000 won ($113) for round trip per person will be slashed down to 65,900 won. One must first purchase the discount coupon at a charge of 4,900 won and then purchase the ferry ticket at a half price of 61,000 won.


The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries has the same discount coupon available for winter between December and February. Purchasing the summer and winter discount coupon together for a rate of 9,900 won is also possible. An all-year-round discount coupon is also available at 19,900 won.

More information on the discount coupons and ferries to and from islands can be browsed at Phone inquiries should be directed to 02-6096-2266.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (