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직원감시용 CCTV 사생활 침해 논란

범죄예방을 목적인 폐쇄회로(CC) TV가 직원감시용으로 쓰이는 사례가 많아 대책이 요구되고 있다. 일부 매장은 여직원 탈의실에도 설치했다.

청년유니온 안태호 노동상담 팀장은 범죄 예방이나 증거 확보를 위한 CCTV는 법률적으로 문제삼기는 힘들다 했다.

경향신문에 의하면 서울 성북구의 한 커피전문점에서 7개월간 일했던 A씨(22)는 어느 날 여성 점장으로부터 “옷 갈아입을 때 CCTV에 찍히지 않게 조심해라. 사장이 집안에서 CCTV를 보고 있다”는 충고를 받았다.

노무법인 율현의 이훈 노무사는 “근로기준법상 CCTV 설치를 통해 업무감시를 하면 안된다고 명시된 조항은 없지만, 인권침해 소지는 충분하다”고 말했다.

(한글: 성진우 인턴기자)


'Intrusive' CCTV in workplace causes concern

Korean part-time workers are increasingly wary of “intrusive” CCTVs installed at coffee shops and bakeries.

A local media reported on Monday that a growing number of Korean part-timers at such workplaces are noticing the danger of the monitoring devices. CCTVs are supposed to keep watch on any outside intruders; however, some devices are reporteldy being used to monitor employees, sometimes in the female locker room.

A 22-year-old female who worked at a coffee shop said she felt uncomfortable about being watched. Her colleague advised to take extra caution about changing her clothes in the workplace beacuse her boss might be watching her through the CCTV.

The use of CCTVs recklessly in the name of supervising employees is feared to undermine the privacy of employees. But under the current law, it is legal to monitor employees and there is no specific clause that blocks the use of CCTV.

By Sung Jin-woo
